Vending management software allows you to review and manage a complex set of data, providing decision support at all organizational levels

for Vending Business
VegaVMS is a management system specific to the world of consolidated and independent Vending. It’s been available to the market for over 30 years, and now serves more than 450 clients worldwide. Adopting the VegaVMS business model guarantees a fast ROI thanks to optimization of business processes and to it’s complete cover of all market specific functionalities.
Solution functionality
The following explains how the Digisoft solution is able to manage the processes (including those defined as an ERP standard) with a logical approach and with researched methods in the Vending sector.
The Digisoft solution doesn’t include a financial or accounting software, but we are connected with the common financial ERPs on the international market and we can easily integrate the solution, using the Digisoft standard connections, to any other solution (over direct DB connection, Web services or XML/Text files).
In addition to monitoring internal and external logistics like all other ERP software applications, VegaVMS is a multi-warehouse application that allows the management of movements and inventories from central warehouses, secondary warehouses, vans and vending machines.
VegaVMS entirely manages purchasing and includes MRP modules dedicated to the Vending industry. The purchasing process manages the client’s requirements like purchase orders, based on sales previsions and purchase history.
It manages all of the product info from specific tasks to vending: nutritional info, composition, exit coefficient, batch management, etc.
The customer order process is based on order entry, real-time customer analysis and shipping, by merchandisers, couriers or store front. It also allows integration with ecommerce, real-time sending of the operator’s order to the PDA, management of product groups and customized price lists, bill of materials, etc.
The entire delivery and billing process is followed by our mobile solution.
Vega ERP gives you the option to create, update and manage installed machines.
The Point of Sale, installed with a serial number, is located at the customer’s site and has a specific configuration (prices, operation, VAT rate on sales and invoices, cashless system, types of audits, etc.).
A technical intervention is sent in the event of faults and/or errors that can be reported by phone or webshop, requested by an operator/merchandiser, by another technician, by a telemetry system, or it can be programmed/planned in advance. The system allows the total management of customer support activities (on-call or scheduled), from reception, real time assignment based on geographical or operational criteria, all the way through tracking the progress.
VegaVMS includes a module for internal production connected to the PDA/handheld that allows the preparation of all necessary work activities and the coordination of the work order status , up to the testing and installation phases starting from either an accepted offer or an internal work order.
Various Vega modules allow the user to comply with ISO 9001: 2008 standards in terms of data and process analysis, performance and activity control.
Vega has a specific section dedicated to claims. The complaint form allows you to enter all the necessary steps for resolution or requests, in order to be sure that the complaint has been resolved and that the customer’s expectations have been met.
The module allows inspections registration at different levels (Point of Sale, Vans, warehouses, incoming products, suppliers) based on specifically defined checklists and with balanced scores based on the severity of any non-conformities detected (HACCP requirements). In the case of inspections at the points of sale, it’s possible to attach photos to testify to its state of cleanliness or maintenance of the machine.
Commercial documentation (contracts, offers, demo materials, price lists, etc.) can be attached to the client profile and keeps track of the contractual requirements by law.
Most of the functions supported by VegaVMS can also be accessed by traveling personnel via the mobile application Vend-in-app, which allows pictures to be taken and attached to audit reports. These features are:
- Claims/Complaint Management
- Audit Activities Management
- Company Calls Management
VegaVMS allows management of employee data, for example:
- ID cards/Badges
- Overview of Tickets, and Penalty Points
- Work Sizes
- Equipment used
- Availability during vacation
VegaVMS is programed with instruments that allow insertion of invoicing parameters for a single Point of Sale, based on predefined models.
- Invoicing of products
- Invoicing of pre-consumption articles
- Invoicing by click-meter of consumed products/items
- Invoicing for Rent (multiple and multi-frequency)
- Check price lines for Invoicing (totals or partials) and giveaways
- Invoicing free credits, rechargeable key fobs, etc.
- Tokens for value and invoicing dispensed items (pre and post sale)
- Master Key and invoicing key charges
- Invoicing for technical interventions
- Invoicing third parties for service / extra contracts
One of Vega’s main features is the possibility to check operators’ external activities and the Point of Sale. It is possible to assign a visit frequency that can be based on scheduled working day intervals or on the machine’s capacity and on the amount of the required supply. It is also possible to set two different types of frequency for the same customer (management of fresh products), with the goal of reducing the number of unnecessary customer visits.
Both paths and related information are synchronized and managed using the mobile solution. All information that allows real-time route supervision is sent from the PDA to the control room to ensure prompt interventions by external personnel.
Managing the audits read by the machines (both directional and MDB) allows you to organize both the counting and relative checks and cashless systems, or payments with credit card / electronic wallet. Thanks to this configuration, it is easier to collect and compare accounting data and the related taxable income.
Great attention is given to the quality of the audit report which is converted, in the case of a different format, into EVA-DTS format through another internal procedure.
Data integration and the simplicity offered by the use of a single device to manage all critical aspects are the main strength of the integrated Digisoft offer.
Digisoft has a CRM module integrate with the following characteristics:
- Deep integration with all of the other ERP functionalities
- Integration with the prospecting through telemarketing procedure
- Integration with Android IOS Vend-In-APP for tablets and windows desktop or Pocket PC
- Integration with the mass marketing email campaign module
- Integration with Integrazione con un simulatore commerciale
This module allows you to monitor and manage traveling personnel using the handheld Geo-tag function.
Calls can be effectively assigned for assistance. All activities are displayed in real time on the map and the system allows direct interaction.
One of the added values of using our fleet management module is that it is completely integrated in Vega ERP. All information and interactions with the map are applied simultaneously to the original data.
Functionality and integrated events from telemetry systems and VegaVMS:
- Breakdowns and events: telemetry systems can send VegaVMS and VegaVMS alerts directly (using all the other information related to the model, fault history, configurations, etc.) it manages this event as a fault, required refill or nothing and sets delays. The telemetry alarm is incorporated into the normal technical assistance procedure.
- Telemetry Sales Audit: using the sales audit, it’s possible to set stock levels for products or groups of products.
- Sales check for a forecast: VegaVMS can forecast the consumption of any item and preview an order for a specific date and time.
- Pre-kitting management: VegaVMS can manage any type of pre-kitting procedure, in the warehouse, with sales forecasts or in the van.
- Real-time sales streaming(no DDCMP batch control with machine shutdown) and real-time machine interrogating.